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The modular and self-stabilizing flood protection system.

The Haawal barrier is extremely stable, even in strong currents. No additional anchoring is needed.

See how the Haawal barrier has been used to prevent damages during several flooding events.

The flood barrier is capable of adapting to any terrain, without special components or tools.

Quick setup and easy dismantling

Experience hassle-free setup and dismantling with our user-friendly system. With intuitive design and quick assembly, you'll have the Haawal barrier up and running in no time.

Two people can assemble 100 meters of Haawal flood protection in approximately one hour and dimsmatiling can be done even faster. 

Illustrating Haawal Flood Protection System
Pallet - Haawal Flood protection system

Simple system with many usecases.

The Haawal Flood Barrier can adapt to almost any situation, without the need for special components or tools. Setting up 90 degree turns is as simple as inserting the wall at a right angle onto the base. As each module is self stabilizing, smaller angles are easily achieved by setting up each module at an angle to each other. 

Along rivers and coastlines


Around stand alone buildings.

Flood protection around building

Temporary dams


Pools for water storage


Let’s talk materials and dimentions:


Haawal Panels

- 14 layered glass fiber reinforced composite structure
- Optimized cell-geometry

- Excellent strength to weight ratio
- UV and chemical resistant
- High impact resistance
- Stainless steel attachment point
- Reusable

Hawaal_Finals_November 2024_Kyle Meyr_LR0051.png
Hawaal_Finals_November 2024_Kyle Meyr_LR0054.png

Support Wires:

- Quick-fix attachment points

- No tools needed, only hands
- Stainless steel
- Corrosion free
- Reusable

Sealing Membrane

- Recyclable PE
- High tear resistance
- High flexibility
- UV resistant
- 25 meter rolls
- Adaptable to any length 

Haawal Engineering AS

Org.-Nr.: 918 013 792
Østerdalsgata 1G, 0658 Oslo, Norway

Copyright © 2024
All Rights Reserved

Haawal's Self-Stabilizing Flood Barrier revolutionizes flood protection with quick setup and easy dismantling, empowering communities to the challenges brought on by a changing climate.

Self stabilising




many usecases

Many usecases

light and strong

Light and strong

designed to last

Designed to last

simple and efficient

Simple and efficient

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